Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

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conditional sentence

Conditional Sentences + If Presentation Transcript

  • 1. Conditional Sentences Structure : A conditional sentence is composed of 2 parts : If-clause + Main Clause Example : If it rains tomorrow, we will not come. If-clause Main Clause
  • 2. Conditional Sentences Types : There are 4 types of conditional sentences. They are classified according to their specific implications. Each type of conditional sentences uses different tenses to show the difference in their implications.
  • 3. Conditional Sentences Type 0 : Use : Talk about universal truth. Tense : Present tense in both clauses Example : If you heat water to 100 °C, it boils . Present Tense Present Tense If you pour oil into water, it floats .
  • 4. Conditional Sentences Type 1 Use : Talk about a present or future probable case. Tense : If-clause ~ Present Tense Main Clause ~ Future Tense Example : If I feel sick, I will not go to school. Present Tense Future Tense If it rains tomorrow, the match will be cancelled .
  • 5. Exercise One If you ___________________ (not come), You ________________ (miss ) the show. do not come will miss John __________________ (buy)a car if he _____________ (get)a job. will buy gets Mary ________________(get) a toothache if she_________________ (eat) too many sweets. gets eats
  • 6. Conditional Sentences Type 2 (Present Subjunctive) Use : Talk about a present or future improbable case. (A case that is unlikely to happen ) Tense : If-clause ~ Past Tense Main Clause ~ would + an infinitive Example : If he were a bird, he would fly across the harbour. Past Tense Would + infinitive If I had $200,000 now, I would buy a car.
  • 7. Conditional Sentences Type 3 (Past Subjunctive) Use : Talk about a past, impossible case Tense : If-clause ~ Past Perfect Tense Main Clause ~ Would + Present Perfect Form Example : If I had had enough money, I would have bought the camera yesterday. Past Perfect Tense Would + Present Perfect Form If I had come home earlier, I would not have missed the programme.
  • 8. Exercise Two If I ________________ (be) four years old, I ________________ (learn) to play the piano. were would learn If I ________________ (not fail) in the examination, my mother_______________ (buy) me a new computer. had not failed would have bought 3. We ________________________ (finish) if we ________________ (have) better preparation. would have finished had had
  • 9. Conditional Sentences Variations: Type 1 : If you see John, ask him to come and see me. Should you see John, ask him to come and see me. SHOULD may replace IF in type 1 Type 2 : If I were an aeroplane, I could fly in the sky. Were I an aeroplane, I could fly in the sky. COULD or MIGHT may replace WOULD WERE may replace IF in an inversion
  • 10. Conditional Sentences Type 3 : If I had come home earlier, I would not have missed the programme. Had I come home earlier, I would not have missed the programme. HAD may replace IF in an inversion
  • 11. Conditional Sentences Type 2 & Type 3 : If it were not for the rain, we would go to Shatin. (Type 2) But for the rain, we would go to Shatin. But for+ a noun may replace `If it were not for’ If it had not been for the traffic jam, we would have arrived on time. (Type 3) But for the traffic jam, we would have arrived on time. But for + a noun may replace `If it had not been for’
  • 12. The Subjunctive Mood Other sentences than the conditional may bear the subjunctive mood. a. Wish (v) I wish I were a king. (But I am not!) I wish she had left last night. (But she didn’t!) Type 2 Type 3 * Non-subjunctive use of wish I wish to travel to Europe next year We wish you a happy birthday.
  • 13. The Subjunctive Mood b. If only If only I were you! If only he were born in the USA! (He was not born in USA) If only she had left last night! (She did not leave last night) Type 2 Type 2 Type 3
  • 14. The Subjunctive Mood b. Would rather I would rather you came earlier. (But you come late.) Type 2 I would rather he had told me the secret. (But he didn’t.) Type 3 * Non-subjunctive use of would rather A : Do you want to go fishing today? B : I would rather stay at home and take some rest. (B prefers staying at home to going fishing)
  • 15. The Subjunctive Mood d. Lest (Conjunction) He put the money in the safe lest someone should / might steal it. e. It is (high) time It is (high) time you studied hard. (You have not studied hard. Now the examination is near, so you have to study very hard.) Past Tense It is time for you to leave (non-subjunctive)

passive Voice

Passive Voice

The passive voice is less usual than the active voice. The active voice is the "normal" voice. But sometimes we need the passive voice. In this lesson we look at how to construct the passive voice, when to use it and how to conjugate it.

Construction of the Passive Voice

The structure of the passive voice is very simple:
subject + auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (past participle)
The main verb is always in its past participle form.
Look at these examples:
subjectauxiliary verb (to be)main verb (past participle)
Waterisdrunkby everyone.
100 peopleareemployedby this company.
Iampaidin euro.
Wearenotpaidin dollars.
Aretheypaidin yen?

Use of the Passive Voice

We use the passive when:
  • we want to make the active object more important
  • we do not know the active subject
give importance to active object (President Kennedy)President Kennedywas killedby Lee Harvey Oswald.
active subject unknownMy wallethas been stolen.?
Note that we always use by to introduce the passive object (Fish are eaten by cats).
Look at this sentence:
  • He was killed with a gun.
Normally we use by to introduce the passive object. But the gun is not the active subject. The gun did not kill him. He was killed by somebody with a gun. In the active voice, it would be: Somebody killed him with a gun. The gun is the instrument. Somebody is the "agent" or "doer".

Conjugation for the Passive Voice

We can form the passive in any tense. In fact, conjugation of verbs in the passive tense is rather easy, as the main verb is always in past participle form and the auxiliary verb is always be. To form the required tense, we conjugate the auxiliary verb. So, for example:
  • present simple: It is made
  • present continuous: It is being made
  • present perfect: It has been made
Here are some examples with most of the possible tenses:
infinitiveto be washed
simplepresentIt is washed.
pastIt was washed.
futureIt will be washed.
conditionalIt would be washed.
continuouspresentIt is being washed.
pastIt was being washed.
futureIt will be being washed.
conditionalIt would be being washed.
perfect simplepresentIt has been washed.
pastIt had been washed.
futureIt will have been washed.
conditionalIt would have been washed.
perfect continuouspresentIt has been being washed.
pastIt had been being washed.
futureIt will have been being washed.
conditionalIt would have been being washed.

Passive voice

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Passive voice is a grammatical voice common in many of the world's languages. In a clause with passive voice, the grammatical subject expresses the theme or patient of the main verb – that is, the person or thing that undergoes the action or has its state changed.[1] This contrasts with active voice, in which the subject has the agent role. For example, in the passive sentence "The tree was pulled down", the subject (the tree) denotes the patient rather than the agent of the action. In contrast, the sentences "Someone pulled down the tree" and "The tree is down" are active sentences.
Typically, in passive clauses, what would otherwise be expressed by the object (or sometimes another argument) of the verb comes to be expressed by the subject, while what would otherwise be expressed by the subject is either not expressed at all, or is indicated by some adjunct of the clause. Thus transforming an active verb into a passive verb is a valence-decreasing process ("detransitivizing process"), because it transforms transitive verbs into intransitive verbs.[2]
Many languages have both an active and a passive voice; this allows for greater flexibility in sentence construction, as either the semantic agent or patient may take the syntactic role of subject.[3] The use of passive voice allows speakers to organize stretches of discourse by placing figures other than the agent in subject position. This may be done to foreground the patient, recipient, or other thematic role;[3] it may also be useful when the semantic patient is the topic of on-going discussion.[4] The passive voice may also be used to avoid specifying the agent of an action.


Passive marking

Different languages use various grammatical forms to indicate passive voice.
In some languages, passive voice is indicated by verb conjugation, specific forms of the verb. Examples of languages that indicate voice through conjugation include Latin and Swedish.
Latin Swedish meaning
Vīnum (ā) servō portātur. Vinet bärs av tjänaren. "The wine is carried by the servant." (passive voice)
Servus vīnum portat. Tjänaren bär vinet. "The servant carries the wine." (active voice)
In Latin, the agent of a passive sentence (if indicated) is expressed using a noun in the ablative case, in this case servō (the ablative of servus). Different languages use different methods for expressing the agent in passive clauses. In Swedish, the agent can be expressed by means of a prepositional phrase with the preposition av (equivalent here to the English "by").
The Austronesian language Kimaragang Dusun also indicates passive voice by verb conjugation using the infix, -in-.[5]
root past passive meaning


Surat yang berfungsi sebagai salah satu alat komunikasi dalam dunia usaha dan perkantoran, dapat juga berfungsi sebagai :
1.       Alat bukti tertulis : adanya hitam di atas putih berguna untuk dijadikan bukti apabila terjadi perselisihan atau salah penafsiran antar kantor atau pejabat yang mengadakan hubungan korespondensi.
2.        Alat pengingat : berguna untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang terlupa atau telah lama.
3.        Bukti historis : berguna sebagai bahan riset mengenai keadaan atau aktivitas suatu organisasi pada masa-masa lalu.
4.        Duta organisasi : surat dapat mencerminkan keadaan mentalitas, jiwa dan kondisi intern dari organisasi atau kantor yang bersangkutan.
5.       Pedoman : surat juga merupakan pedoman dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan.
Dalam bukunya Manajemen Sekretaris, Drs. Saiman, M.Si mengklasifikasikan jenis-jenis surat yang dapat ditinjau dari beberapa segi sebagai berikut :
a.       Menurut wujud surat
1. kartu pos
2. warkat pos
3. surat bersampul
4. nota
5. telegram
6. surat pengantar
b.       Menurut tujuan surat :
1. surat pemberitahuan
2. surat perintah
3. surat permintaan/permohonan
4. surat panggilan/teguran
5. surat peringatan
6. surat keputusan
7. surat perjanjian
8. surat laporan
9. surat pesanan
10. surat penawaran
c.       Menurut sifat isi dan asal surat :
1. surat dinas
2. surat niaga
3. surat pribadi (bersifat kekeluargaan dan resmi)
d.       Menurut jumlah penerima surat :
1. surat biasa
2. surat edaran
3. surat pengumuman
e.       Menurut keamanan isi surat :
1. surat sangat rahasia
2. surat segera
3. surat biasa
f.        Menurut prosedur pengurus surat :
1. surat masuk
2. surat keluar
g.       Menurut jangkauan surat :
1. surat intern
2. surat ekstern
Selanjutnya Drs. E. Martono, dalam bukunya Dasar-Dasar Kesekretariatan dan Kearsipan, menyebutkan bahwa surat dapat digolongkan menjadi beberapa jenis menurut kategori tertentu, yaitu:
1.       Siapa yang mengirim
a. surat pribadi/prive, sering disebut surat keluarga yang bersifat kekeluargaan.
b. Surat dinas pemerintahan, surat ini dikirim untuk lingkungan pemerintah.
c. Surat dinas swasta, surat ini dikirim oleh instansi di luar instansi pemerintah, seperti; oleh perusahaan swasta, kantor swasta, yayasan, dll.
2.       aktivitas yang dikandung dalam surat, dan
3.       wujud surat.

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

About Bogor EduCARE

        adalah sebuah universitas yang terletak di daerah cimahpar bogor. lokasinya yang strategis membuat universitas ini menjadi universitas unggulan dan dikenal oleh banyak orang. selain itu juga, di  unversitas ini suasananya yang asri membuat kegiatan belajar mengajar menjadi sangat menyenangkan. Belajar dimulai dari hari senin sampai dengan hari jumat tepatnya pukul 08:00 sampai dengan pukul 16:00 WIB. Bogor EduCARE berbasis bahasa inggris dan komputer. Tentunya ini merupakan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan wawasannya dan mengembagkan potensinya.
Bogor EduCARE
 Disini juga selain pendidikan akademik juga ada extra kulikuler dan Divisi-Divisi seperti Cangcimen, Padusa,Teater, divisi agama, divisi perpus, public speaking dll.
pengalaman di BEC sangat banyak sekali mulai dari banyaknya teman baru, nambahnya ilmu pengetahuan baik itu menyangkut agama maupun pengetahuan yang lainnya. kebetulan sekarang ini BEC lagi membuka pendaftaran  bagi mahasiswa baru untuk info selanjutnya silakan klik link dibawah ini..